In the article “How your birth order influences your life adjustment” by Lucille K. Forer talks about and explain with precise details how birth order actually affects your life. Birth orders consist of Oldest, Middle, Youngest or Only child, each and one of these places have there own duty’s at home. My family is pretty small, but I still am the oldest child at age 19, making my brother the youngest at 16. In my eyes and a few people of my family I might seen as one of the most responsible and my brother not as much.
Being the first born in my family made me the oldest child. On the Article Forer says that the first born child tries to stop looking at him self as a child and struggle to be parental. I agree to what she meant by saying struggles, because there’s time where you’re trying to protect your brother or sister from anything dangerous and you tell then not to do it and in most cases they listen or they just do it. Being an oldest child and trying to parent more then one brother or sister could be really frustrated and a lot of responsibility. In one of Forer paragraph’s she says, “The first child serves as a barrier between later children and the parents.” With I don’t completely agree because in some cases like in my family, my brother has a better relationship and connection with my parents.
The article has a section were it explain how children see themselves in the family. She says that the oldest have self-concept that makes then believe, that they could do everything better then their others sibling and that they are more adequate than others. In my family I have a lot of responsibility and with a lot of responsibility comes skills, skills that not even my parents have neither my brother. So I do believe I am more capable than my brother, because I have had more experience then him so far. With means that I do agree with what Forer believes. The youngest children in my point of view are freer to do stuff and worry free. Forer quoted that the youngest child believes “I am less able to do many things than other people. But I need not be concerned because there are always others around to take care of me.” In this case I strongly agree because my brothers thinks that because he does good in school every one should treat him like a king, with obviously I stop from happening.
The article I believe is pretty accurate in some points. But there’s situations in life were everything could be the opposite. Culture might be one of the effects in with this research my come in to a wrong turn, so like now one is the same I believe the article was at least 70 percent accurate with my life.
My Family is an interesting and funny family. My father is also named Jorge who is a hard worker man and sometimes he could act a little bit independent. Lourdes who's my mother is full of joy and happiness, she could act too confident sometimes but she a hard worker women to so we all let it slide. I my self always love to give 100% on anything relate to work just like Steve jobs said "Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected." Your expected to do one thing so why not just give 100% on it. Estiven my brother a Genius when it comes to school works and studies, he is always been protected by my parents with i think is the reason why he is the laziest of the house. We were all borne in the Dominican Republic and we all speak Spanish, but recently my brother and I have been conversing in English.